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Panel: William Riggs: End of the Road

Reimagining the Street as the Heart of the City
Miércoles, 9/28/2022
6:00 - 7:00
Koret Auditorium
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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End of the Road Book CoverThis is a hybrid event. Registration is required for Zoom attendance. In-person attendance does not require registration; seats available first come, first served.

William (Billy) Riggs, USF professor and global expert on transportation and the future of cities, discusses his new book, End of the Road: Reimagining the Street as the Heart of the City, with Bay Area transportation leaders Tilly Chang, executive director of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, and Jeffrey Tumlin, director of transportation at San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. The event will be moderated by KQED Forum host Alexis Madrigal.

Watch on YouTube.

The focus on automotive travel over the past century has changed the role of streets in cities. This has degraded the quality of urban life and contributed to public health issues. Riggs’ book offers a unique look at streets as locations that can evolve to support the economic, social, cultural and natural aspects of cities.

Riggs is Professor and Program Director in the School of Management at the University of San Francisco. A global expert and thought leader in transportation, economics, design, the environment and urban development, he is a consultant and advisor to multiple companies and start-ups on technology, mobility and the future of cities.

Books available at the event. 


William Riggs – Website | William Riggs - Twitter

San Francisco County Transportation Authority - WebsiteSan Francisco County Transportation Authority - TwitterSan Francisco County Transportation Authority - Instagram

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency - WebsiteSan Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency - TwitterSan Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency - Instagram

Alexis Madrigal - WebsiteAlexis Madrigal - TwitterAlexis Madrigal- Instagram 


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