
Film: Rebound, Screening and Director Talk

Martes, 11/15/2022
7:00 - 8:30

Together we watch the powerful film by Tamara Perkins, Rebound, the story of two women in rebound from incarceration. Carrying the weight of motherhood, trauma, and incarceration, two women find healing and hope through sisterhood, service and education. These aspiring scholars navigate parole, raising young children and self-healing to find acceptance, sisterhood and hope for a new life.

Separated by decades and starkly different circumstances two women rebound from incarceration. They each overcome their years of addiction and abuse to pursue the promise of higher education. These aspiring scholars navigate parole, raising young children, and self-healing to find acceptance, sisterhood, and hope for a new life.

Directors Perkins and Jason Ritchie join the two subjects of the film, Laura J. Murray and Isabella Quevedo, for a post-screening discussion and Q & A.


Perkins (Director | Producer | Writer) is an award-winning filmmaker and changemaker focused on stories that inspire transformative change through dialogue, healing and advocacy through her company Apple of Discord Productions. Perkins' films (Life After Life (2018), Rebound (2021), Clarissa’s Battle (2022)) were each inspired by a personal connection to the subject matter and provide an often overlooked proximity in storytelling. Her recent feature speculative fiction script melds present day social, moral, and ethical questions with a Woman-driven SciFi Thriller which was awarded the 2022 Stowe Story Fellowship. As a national speaker, Perkins’ repertoire spans filmmaking to prison reform and human rights. A recipient of Evident Change’s Media for a Just Society Award, Perkins' work provides a catalyst for learning and advocacy for some of our nation's most misunderstood and overlooked issues. She founded Apple of Discord Productions in 2006, connecting media, activism and healing through programs such as the Wisdom Project and San Quentin Media Project -- which trained at-risk youth and incarcerated men in filmmaking as a tool for transformation.


Ritchie (Co-Director | Producer | Cinematographer) is a storyteller driven by the impact that media had on his own life. With only a pen and paper to work with in prison, Ritchie delved into the written word and illustration for telling his stories. Within weeks of paroling from prison in 2017 he picked up a camera and has been filming everything he can ever since. Directly impacted by the criminal justice system, Ritchie is working to use his talents in film and storytelling to bring positive change in his community, and immersing himself in the creative process through his studies at San Diego State University and his work for a media house. Ritchie broke out on his own, creating mini-docs about how education and community support building meaningful paths and purpose to life.


Quevedo is a graduate student in the City Planning program at San Diego State University—where she earned her Bachelor's degree in Urban Studies in 2021. She has a background specializing in early childhood education, working as a preschool teacher while earning an Associate of Arts in Social and Behavioral Sciences in 2018 from San Diego City College. Quevedo's research and career interests include the social impacts of land development, housing, zoning and road construction in reference to how they affect women and children. She is a committed abolitionist and social justice advocate combating over-policing in under-funded, minority neighborhoods and looks forward to working as an urban planning consultant, dedicated to revitalizing neglected communities and providing more equitable access to community resources. Quevedo is currently embarking on the early stages of her career path, working as an intern at the Planning Division for the City of National City in San Diego County.


Murray holds a degree in criminology, she is a sociology doctoral student at North Carolina State University (NCSU), with an emphasis on crime and social control. She advocates for women who do not have a voice and are not well represented in legal and reentry policy as well as empirical research. Murray is also the president of Wolfpack Rising Student Alliance, a recognized student organization that she started at NCSU which advocates and supports the reintegration of formerly incarcerated students.



Tamara Perkins - Instagram | Tamara Perkins - Twitter | Tamara Perkins - Linkedin


Apple of Discord Productions LLC - Website


Watch party and film discussions. 

Events and workshops curated around SFPL’s One City One Book selection. One City One Book: San Francisco Reads is a citywide literary event that encourages members of the San Francisco community to read the same book at the same time. For more information, see sfpl.org/onecityonebook.

Learn about and increase your awareness of issues related to jail, prison, incarceration and reentry resources. Find out more about our services: sfpl.org/services/jail-and-reentry-services.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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