Seven artworks in different colors and media. The words "Art Work II: Art created by the staff at SFPL" are in the top left corner.

Art/Work II

Art Created by the Staff at SFPL
10 Diciembre 2022 - 09 Abril 2023
Jewett Gallery - Lower Level
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
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Did you know that many of the people who work in the library every day—to select and process the collections, run amazing programs, and myriad other jobs that keep SFPL open and accessible to all—are artists themselves? The library is thrilled to present an exhibit of art created by staff and organized by the Art, Music and Recreation Center. The staff art show offers staff an opportunity to share their work and deepen connections with one another as well as the public they serve every day.

SFPL staff members were invited to submit artwork for inclusion, and they responded with photographs, drawings, paintings, sculptures, etchings, prints, fiber art and artists’ books in a wide range of styles, both abstract and figurative. Participating staff have varying levels of formal training, from none to advanced degrees. Some are exhibiting their work in public for the first time.

Come see what the talented staff of the library do when they're not at work!


Above: Artwork by (top row, left to right) Kevin I., Jesse D-K., Lia R., (bottom row, left to right) Leah D., Eny J., An N., and Anissa M.