A diagonal grid shows illustrated faces in a variety of colors

Treasured Stories

Treasure Island Oral Histories 1997–Present
01 Abril - 30 Junio 2023
Business, Science & Tech Exhibit Space - 4th Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
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SFPL has partnered with One Treasure Island to present an exhibit highlighting oral histories conducted as part of Treasured Stories: Treasure Island Oral Histories, 1997–Present. The exhibit uses digital art, quotes and audio recordings to showcase the unique aspects of life and work on Treasure Island over the last twenty-five years.  

The Treasured Stories exhibit draws from oral history interviews conducted by One Treasure Island and showcases 14 portraits of project participants by San Francisco-based artist Bryce Albright. Each portrait provides a unique glimpse into the lived experiences of a Treasure Island resident or worker, with the aim to invoke curiosity, garner empathy and foster community with exhibit visitors.   


For more information about the exhibit, please visit treasureislandmuseum.org/treasuredstories

For more information, about One Treasure Island, please visit onetreasureisland.org