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Canceled: 作家: 曹樹堃《詩化易經》新書發佈及研討會暨湾區文化名人贈書仪式

Author: Cao ShuKun
Sábado, 7/29/2023
2:00 - 5:00
Koret Auditorium
Koret Lobby
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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      The Book of Changes, also known as the Zhouyi, is a classic Chinese document that predicts destiny, explores natural changes, and discusses the philosophy of life. It is a crystallization of ancient Chinese wisdom that has a long history of over three thousand years. The Book of Changes consists of 64 hexagrams, each with six lines consisting of yin (a solid line) and yang (a broken line), totaling 384 lines. It is based on the theory of yin and yang and the five elements that explain the philosophy of life and the changes in the world. The study of the Book of Changes has become an important part of traditional Chinese culture, and has had a profound impact on the philosophical thinking, cultural inheritance, and social life of the Chinese people.

     Poeticizing the Book of Changes is another poetic masterpiece by Cao Shukun, a globally renowned master of the qin and a cultural celebrity with remarkable achievements in traditional Chinese studies and a rich body of work, following the publication of Poeticizing Laozi's Tao Te Ching. This book uses a large number of five- and seven-character old-style poems created by the author himself to interpret the Book of Changes, which is hailed as the "world's earliest wisdom treasure". It is a bold attempt that few people have pursued in nearly 2,000 years to transform Chinese classics into poems that are popular among ordinary people. The author's spirit of "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" interprets the original text of the Book of Changes and the Hexagrams and the Judgments of Changes in the plain language of poetry, and then delves into the meaning of each hexagram and each line from the perspective of moral philosophy and numerology. The poems strive to be simple and straightforward, rhyming, easy to recite, and easy to remember. The explanations are full of interest and help to develop insight.

      The release event of "Poeticizing the Book of Changes" will not only feature Cao personally introducing the contents of the book, but also invite local experts in the Bay Area and Los Angeles to participate in a seminar on the Book of Changes. Several experts will also give special lectures.

      Following the seminar, Cao Shukun and cultural celebrities in the Bay Area will donate their works to the San Francisco Public Library.

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