
Presentation: History of The Bay with Dregs One

A partnership with the Letterform Archive
Sábado, 9/2/2023
3:00 - 4:00
Koret Auditorium
Koret Lobby
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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Dregs One on the rich history of San Francisco graffiti.Dregs One Piece

Hailing from the Lakeview neighborhood, Dregs emerged as a firsthand historian with an upbringing deeply intertwined with graffiti art. From his earliest days, graffiti became a part of his daily, a visual symphony that would later shape his journey. He is multi-talented artist, rapper, record label owner and the man behind the popular podcast, History of The Bay, which educates us all on renowned local graffiti artists and their indelible influence. He teaches the past and curates the future and is a guardian of Bay Area hip-hop culture.


Dregs One - YouTube | Dregs One - Instagram | Dregs One - Spotify |  Dregs One - Twitter


This eveLetterform Archive exhibition photont is a partnership with the Letterform Archive, in connection with their current exhibition Subscription to Mischief, which provides a rare combination of Greg Lamarche’s archives and Letterform Archive’s collection of graffiti magazines. The exhibition explores 1990s graffiti zines with a special focus on the making of Skills. It highlights original works by prominent and lesser-known writers of the ’90s through the pieces, throwups and handstyles featured in letters, flick trade photos and magazine submissions. Subscription to Mischief captures graffiti letterforms and pays homage to the community formed through snail mail, examining practitioners as documentarians and magazines as creative career launch pads.


Letterform Archive - WebsiteLetterform Archive - InstagramLetterform Archive - YouTube


Letterform Archive logo


This event will be filmed for later viewing on the SFPL YouTube Channel

Learn from world-class designers, artists and experts in their fields. 

Attend programming, lectures and workshops on the art, design and function of lettering.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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