
Author: 1st Anniversary Celebration of Lyon Street by Marc Zegans

Sábado, 12/9/2023
2:00 - 4:00
Presidio Meeting Room

3150 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Estados Unidos

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Kevin Dublin, David Scott Ewers, Lucie Pereira, Jonah Raskin, and Marc Zegans mark the first year of the publication of Marc's seventh collection of poetry. 

Kevin Dublin is founder of The Living Room SF and focused on expanding economic accessibility to creative writing through teaching workshops, producing, hosting readings and facilitating partnerships. He' the author pf chapbooks Eulogy and How to Fall in Love in San Diego. He resides in San Francisco.

David Scott Ewers is a novelist and musician living in Oakland. A resident of San Francisco from his teen into his thirties, he was an enthusiastic member of The City's vibrant underground community of the '80s and '90s. His published novels are Petrichor and Ultimate Resort. 

Lucie Pereira is a writer and educator living in the Sunset. Her work has appeared in Honey Literary, the HelleboreYes Poetry, and the Aurora Journal, among others. She teaches at Children's Afterschool Arts and co-hosts the reading and food pop-up series Kitchen Table. 

Jonah Raskin lives and writes in San Francisco. He's the author of six poetry chapbooks including Rock' n' Roll Women and has published books about the Beats, the Sixties, American writing on the wilderness and three murder mysteries. For 30 years he taught at Sonoma State University. 

Marc Zegans writes poems with love, reads them with heart and lovingly embraces what follows. He has penned seven collections of poems, most recently, Lyon Street (Bambo Dart Press, 2022), The Snow Dead (Cervena Barva Press, 2020), and Swizzle Felt's First Folio from the Typewriter Underground (Pelekinesis, 2019). Marc lives by the coast of Northern California. 

Engage with your favorite writers and discover your next read.

Programs designed to celebrate the art of the poem, including readings and talks.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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