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Workshop: Small Business Office Hours with an Advisor

Jueves, 5/9/2024
2:00 - 4:00

Get feedback on your small business ideas from a business advisor from the Small Business Development Center.  Advisors will host a virtual office hour to help assess your ideas, answer questions, as well as to provide advice on best practices to make your business ideas a reality.  Information is also available about free resources for the practical skill-building parts needed to carry out your business plans.  Office hours are group sessions and virtual. 

Learn to: 

  • Structure your initial business ideas into a focused business plan.    

  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your business ideas.     

  • Gauge the market and industry outlook for your potential business.  

  • Understand the permits you may potentially need for the kind of business you are planning.  

  • Create a plan to finance your business and how to find funding resources.     

Woman clapping her hands

Office Hours are held by Gwendolyn Wright who is the Managing Consultant of The Wright Consultants. Her mission is to start and grow businesses, increase entrepreneurs’ access to capital and improve their financial acumen. She has extensive experience, from ecommerce, retail and wholesale to manufacturing and distribution, consulting and coaching small and medium size businesses for over twenty years.  


Small Business Office Hours are provided by the Small Business Development Center in partnership with the San Francisco Public Library.   


An ongoing series of virtual programs focused on supporting job and career seekers, personal finance needs and small business resources.

Start and grow your small business.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


Todos los programas están abiertos al público (no es necesario inscribirse) a menos que se indique lo contrario. Todos los locales de la SFPL son accesibles en silla de ruedas. Para solicitar adaptaciones (tal como lenguaje de señas americano (ASL), llame al (415) 557-4557 o contacte Si lo solicita con al menos 3 días laborables de anticipación ayudará a garantizar la disponibilidad.

Este programa se conducirá en inglés a menos que se indique lo contrario.

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