
Performance: Bay Area Poets + KALW

Lunes, 1/29/2024
5:00 - 7:30

220 Montgomery
San Francisco, CA 94104
Estados Unidos


We partner with KALW for an evening poetry and music featuring hector son of hector, Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta, Nia McAllister and percussion music by PC Muñoz. Curated by Josiah Luis Alderte. 

Josiah Luis Alderete is a co-founder of Medicine For Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery, a full-blooded Pocho, spanglish-speaking poeta who first learned how to write poesía in the kitchen of his Mama’s Mexican restaurant. He was one of the founding members of  Bay Area outspoken word group The Molotov Mouths, and is the curator and host of the long-running monthly Chicano/Latinx reading series Speaking Axolotl. His book of poety Baby Axolotls & Old Pochos published by Black Freighter Press.

hector son of hector lives in Oakland, CA. He is the child of Mexican immigrants, currently works in a hospital, dreams of short stories and writes poetry in secret. 

Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta is a queer Jewish Nicaragüense anarchist, artist, poet, and sexual health educator from the lands of the Tongva people, who is a long term guest on unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land. They are the author of The Easy Body (Timeless, Infinite Light, 2017) and La Movida (Nightboat Books, 2022), and have been at work on their third book of poetry, Bleeder / Promise of the Red Decade (the manuscript of which lives in an Esprit shoebox), for a really long time.

Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta is a queer Jewish Nicaragüense anarchist, artist, poet, and sexual health educator from the lands of the Tongva people, who is a long-term guest on unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land. They are the author of The Easy Body (Timeless, Infinite Light, 2017) and La Movida (Nightboat Books, 2022) and have been at work on their third book of poetry, Bleeder / Promise of the Red Decade (the manuscript of which lives in an Esprit shoebox), for a really long time.

Nia McAllister is an award-winning poet, writer and environmental justice advocate working at the intersection of art, activism and public engagement. As Senior Public Programs Manager at the Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) in San Francisco, she creates participatory spaces for creative expression and literary dialogue. McAllister’s writing and poetry have been featured on Poets of Color Podcast, Bay Poets | KALW Public Media, and published in Doek! Literary Magazine, Radicle Magazine, Meridians Journal, Painting the Streets: Oakland Uprising in the Time of Rebellion (Nomadic Press, 2022) and The Town: An Anthology of Oakland Poets (Nomadic Press, 2023). She is a recipient of the 2023 San Francisco Foundation/Nomadic Press Literary Awards. 

PC Muñoz's diverse music-making aesthetic, spanning composition, percussion, recording artistry, and production, seamlessly integrates songcraft, musique concrète, free jazz, and the infectious rhythms of funk and hip-hop. Muñoz's 2023 releases include a live EP with Red Fast Luck (a duo with multi-reed artist David Boyce) and a solo recording titled Legacy, accompanied by a limited-edition art card designed by Jerilyn Guerrero. The live EP is featured on the San Francisco Public Library's curated streaming service, Bay Beats. Additionally, there's anticipation for a Red Fast Luck studio album set to be released in early 2024.

5 p.m. — Doors and Drinks
6 p.m. — Poetry and Percussion


KALW - Website | KALW - Instagram

Josiah Luis Alderete - Instagram 

Nia McAllister - Website | Nia McAllister - Instagram 

PC Muñoz - Website |

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Programs designed to celebrate the art of the poem, including readings and talks.

Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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