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Author: Alvina Chamberland

Love the World Or Get Killed Trying
Martes, 4/9/2024
6:30 - 7:30
Eureka Valley General Floor Area
Eureka Valley/Harvey Milk Memorial

1 Jose Sarria Court
San Francisco, CA 94114
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Join Alvina Chamberland for a reading from her latest book, Love the World Or Get Killed Trying

Her newest autofiction dives into the mind of Alvina, a trans woman on the eve of turning 30. The reader is invited to follow her journey through the breathtaking wilderness of Iceland and busy city boulevards of Berlin and Paris as she probes questions of eternity, sexuality, longing, death, love, and how hard it is to remain soft when you’re a ceaseless target of straight men’s secret lust and open disgust. This novel tackles universal issues through a trans woman’s specific lens – insisting on these experiences speaking to far more than just issues of sexuality and gender.

Love the World Or Get Killed Trying has made THEM's, LGBTQ-reads' and Ms. Magazine's Most Anticipated of 2024-lists, and got praise from Torrey Peters, Kathleen Hanna, and Susan Stryker.

‘Alvina Chamberland writes with every part of herself. Hers is an honesty in perfect balance with generosity, and reading this book is like receiving an ongoing gift.’ - Torrey Peters, author of Detransition, Baby

Alvina Chamberland is a Swedish-US American author of predominantly literary autofiction novels. In 2015 Bokförlaget ETC published her co-authored book Allt som är Mitt: Våldtäkt, Stigmatisering och Upprättelse (English translation: All that is mine: Rape, Stigmatization and Reparation). The book received a grant from the Swedish Arts Council. In September 2018 her novel Utelåst – Uppväxt- nostalgi för freaks (Locked Out – A nostalgic account of growing up for freaks) a parody of the coming of age-genre, was published by Dockhaveri Förlag. She resides between Athens and Berlin and has no real hobbies, only intensity and serenity. Love the World or Get Killed Trying is her English language debut.

Connect: Alvina Chamberland - Instagram

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Gather, share knowledge and celebrate our unique identities at the queerest library ever. 

For more resources, the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center is the gateway to the Library’s broader collections documenting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual history and culture, with a special emphasis on the San Francisco Bay Area.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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