Managing Taxes Around Retirement Time
Martes, 4/6/2021
12:00 - 1:30
Biblioteca virtual

Estados Unidos

Between age 59.5 and 72, you have a lot of flexibility and control over your tax situation. We'll talk about how to smooth out your tax brackets during your retirement years to avoid big jumps in your tax bracket and other related topics like:  How is Social Security taxed? How to manage taxation of your RMDs? What happens if you relocate to another state when you retire?

About the speaker: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, Enrolled Agent, teaches courses at UC Berkeley Extension in Income Tax, Employment Benefits & Retirement Planning, and Retirement Income Planning. She is a fee-only financial planner with Hargrave Fiduciary Advisors, and also a tax advisor and preparer.  CFP®,  EA   
