Color Line or Color Blind San Francisco Suffragists’ Battle for Inclusivity - Website banner.jpeg
San Francisco Suffragists’ Battle for Inclusivity
Jueves, 8/26/2021
7:00 - 8:00

White San Francisco suffragists organized America’s first suffrage march in Oakland, California on August 27, 1908, and women’s clubs nationally were crusading for Whites-only membership. We will explore the searing “hot debate” over the “color line” that erupted within San Francisco suffrage in the years preceding the march.

Evelyn Rose, PharmD, director and founder of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project (, has been documenting the activities of Glen Park suffragists and their role in America’s first suffrage march. The Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project is fiscally sponsored by Independent Arts and Media, a California non-profit corporation. For more information, please visit Email questions for Evelyn to
