Demonstration: How to Get Grants with Foundation Directory Online

星期三, 10/14/2020
10:00 - 12:00


Looking for grants for your nonprofit?

Come learn how to use Candid’s Foundation Directory Online (FDO).

90% of foundations don't have websites! FDO is the most comprehensive prospect research tool for fundraisers, with nearly 200,000 grantmaker profiles.

Starting promptly at 10 am, this virtual class will provide a 40-minute overview of how to look for grants using FDO Essential, as well as how to use Candid’s other services. After this formal instruction, you can request a short (up to 15 minutes) one-on-one session with a Candid representative – via Zoom –to help with your specific questions.


Class Registration with FDO


NOTE: This class is for nonprofit organizations looking for funding. It is not geared to individuals seeking grants. We recommend you view our free one-hour webinar, Introduction to Finding Grants, before attending.

San Francisco Public Library is a member of Candid’s Funding Information Network, a consortium of partners that provide local nonprofit communities with access to funding databases, nonprofit trainings and the opportunity to connect with like-minded social sector professionals.

Foundation Center by Candid




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