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Author: Jenny Worely, Neon Girls: A Stripper's Education in Protest and Power

星期二, 6/8/2021
7:00 - 8:00

Worely, a former San Francisco Lusty Lady dancer gives an account of how she led her fellow coworkers to create the first strippers' union in the world and take control of the operation of their club.


Neon Girls: A Stripper's Education in Protest and Power is a piercing examination of gender politics and a gritty insider’s account of union organizing. Worley captures the dichotomy of feminist power running headlong into the realities of work built around the whims of men. A vivid and erudite exploration of class struggle and gender identity.


Jennifer Worley is a professor of English at City College of San Francisco and President of the faculty union, AFT 2121. Her film Sex On Wheels, documents the history of San Francisco's sex industry and sex worker activism and has played at film festivals and universities worldwide. Her writing has appeared in Bitch, Captive Genders, Invisible Suburbs, The Queerist, and PRI's Outright Radio.

Connect with Jennifer Worley - Website

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