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Presentation: Technical Writing : Is This Right For Me?

星期二, 8/24/2021
10:00 - 11:00

Technical Writing is defined by the Society for Technical Communication (STC) as “any form of communication that shows one or more of the following qualities:  

·         Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations. 

·         Communicating by using technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites. 

·         Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of how technical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distribute that communication.” 


That broad definition covers writing everything from engineering documentation to nursery school policies and procedures! 


 Attend this session to learn what skills are needed to follow (and enjoy!) Technical Writing as a career path.   



About the speaker: Jack Molisani is an STC Fellow and the President of ProSpring Technical Staffing, an employment agency specializing in technical writing positions (both contract and perm). He's also the author of Be The Captain of Your Career: A New Approach to Career Planning and Advancement, which hit #5 on Amazon's Career and Resume Best Seller list.  

Note: Molisani is donating a copy of his book as a door prize to be given at random at the end of the presentation! For everyone else, his book is available in the library. 





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