
Film: When the Storm Fades

星期四, 10/26/2023
6:00 - 7:30
Golden Gate Valley Meeting Room
Golden Gate Valley

1801 Green Street
San Francisco, CA 94123

Contact Telephone

This is a dramatic feature film with comedic elements, based on the tragic experiences of The Pablos, a real Filipino family that lost their home and several family members during 2013's Typhoon Haiyan. The Pablos (non-actors) play themselves in scenes that reenact their quiet struggle to recover after the storm. The family’s journey is interwoven with the story of two young Canadian volunteers attempting to play a meaningful role in local efforts to recover from the storm.

"It's about First World/Third World inequality, climate-changed superstorms, cultures clashing and virtue signalling volunteerism. So it's tragic and infuriating and yeah, kind of funny, when you look at it." — Movie Nation

NR, 80 min., 2018. Closed captions (CC) in English.

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