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Performance: Free Press Music

EP Release Celebration
星期六, 10/7/2023
1:00 - 1:45
North Beach General Floor Area
North Beach

850 Columbus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94133

Contact Telephone

Free Press is a Filipina led ensemble who's sound was largely developed in San Francisco, in the Western Addition and Tenderloin; specifically the Cadillac Hotel run by Katherine Looper of Reality House West. The performance features vocals from Christie Aida, Dave Mihaly on percussions and Billy White on piano.

Words from Christie Aida (lead singer):

The Looper family members are instrumental in affordable housing preservation efforts for very low-income communities in the Tenderloin and beyond.  The Loopers created a model for supportive housing many human/housing rights activists and non-profits follow today. This model benefits my friends  who happen to be residents of the Cadillac, and are subjects of songs from this EP, “The House of Welcome”.  The EP includes “Reality House” about Mary, a formerly homeless trans resident, who  uses her wisdom to save many of her fellow community members with Narcan. “Teody” is about another friend and fellow Filipino who overcame 22 years of homelessness and found a home at the Cadillac.  This EP is dedicated to my mentor,  Kathy Looper, the Looper family and the Cadillac Hotel residents including Mary, Gayle and Teody.  Special thanks to all the musicians, Arielle at Women’s Audio Mission, the Cadillac Hotel, Bird and Beckett, the SF Library and Dave Mihaly for his original compositions and musical guidance.  Spending two days with my musical family recording EPs at Women’s Audio Mission was an enlightening experience!

Upcoming Performances

October 6, 2023
Bird and Beckett 9:00pm-10:30pm

November 3, 2023
Cadillac Hotel 1pm-2pm

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