Dizzy Surplus Banner 4.png

Performance: Bay Beats Rock/Experimental Music Concert

星期六, 6/1/2024
1:00 - 3:00
Koret Auditorium
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

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An exciting, genre-bending daytime concert with two local Avante Garde rock bands, Surplus 1980 and Dizzy Twin. Presented in partnership with Amoeba Music.

Surplus 1980 - 1 pm: Masterminded by Sleepytime Gorilla Museum's former percussionist Moe Staiano, Surplus 1980 is a whip-smart musical collective from Oakland, California, established in 2010. Taking cues from the angular punk bands of the 1980s, Surplus 1980 fuses a fierce, muscular attack with experimental out-jazz and elements of progressive rock. Coupled with Staiano's playful lyrics, the music updates angular post-punk with a modernist "maximal minimalism." Listen to Surplus 1980 on Bay Beats.

Dizzy Twin - 2 pm: Dizzy Twin is Mia d'Bruzzi (Frightwig) and musical partner Paul Simmans exploring a netherworld of weird, witchy vibes. They have been collaborating for over 20 years and Dizzy Twin is the expression of their endless fascination and obsession with creating new music and modes of communication. Although Dizzy Twin originally began as a studio project, the live band delivers these songs to the stage with a wallop: Roger Rocha (4 Non Blondes, The Goldenhearts) on guitar, Tim Perdue (Enrique, Velvetta) on bass, and Michael Tornatore on drums, along with Paul on guitar and Mia on vocals. Dizzy Twin has been described: “Their sound is a marriage of punk rock attitude and old school burlesque bump and grind, with a lot of Brecht and Weill decadence and black humour thrown in.” —David Kelso, Mitchell Oneiros Press (review of Dizzy Twin's Empire LP). It's danceable, too! Listen to Dizzy Twin on Bay Beats.

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.

Enjoy free performances from musicians on SFPL's Bay Beats local music streaming platform. Featuring all genres, from classical to folk, rock to rap, pop to punk.



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