
Tutorial: Computer Skills for Seniors by SF Connected

教程: SF Connected計劃提供專為長者而設的電腦技能班 - 由安老自助處授課,需預約
星期五, 5/17/2024
1:00 - 4:00
Lady Shaw Senior Center

1483 Mason Street
San Francisco, CA 94133

Gain computer and Internet proficiency tailored for seniors and adults, covering broadband technologies like social media and video communication. Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Vietnamese and Russian-language support provided by SF Connected Instructors for this Tech-Help session. Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 781-9919.

Self-Help for the Elderly supports San Francisco seniors with trustworthy care, promoting independence and dignity, since 1966. Their non-profit services and companionship guide seniors towards wellness and happiness. SF Connected is an initiative that provides free computer tutoring and support to seniors and adults with disabilities in the San Francisco area.

Connect: Self-Help for the Elderly  Website |  Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Linkedin


SF Connected is funded by a Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant. Half of this grant was allocated to the Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) to spearhead a digital initiative for seniors and adults with disabilities, leading to the formation of SF Connected.

Connect: SF Connected Website


This event is part of SF Tech Week.SF Connected is an initiative that provides free computer tutoring and support to seniors and adults with disabilities in the San Francisco area.

專為長者及成人而設的學習電腦以及互聯網技能的課程,包括寬頻科技,例如:社交媒體以及視頻通訊。 該科技課程將由SF Connected的導師提供國語、粵語、英語、越南語以及俄語支援。 名額有限。 需要預約: (415) 781-9919。

安老自助處自1966年起,旨在為三藩市長者提供值得信賴的貼心照護同時亦致力於增進長者的獨立及尊嚴。 他們的非牟利服務以及關懷陪伴引導長者樂齡健康養老。SF Connected是一項為三藩市灣區長者及殘障成人提供的免費電腦輔助輔導計劃。

連結: 安老自助處網站 | 臉書 | 推特 | Instagram | 領英

SF Connected 是由「寬頻科技機會計劃」 (BTOP) 撥款資助的。 一半的撥款撥往耆英及成人服務部 (DAAS) 以便牽頭推動為長者及殘障成人而設的數碼計劃,從而促成設立SF Connected。

連結: SF Connected 網站

這是「三藩市科技週」(SF Tech Week)的其中一項活動。SF Connected是一項為三藩市灣區長者及殘障成人提供的免費電腦輔助輔導計劃。


Events for adults and children with disabilities, their families, friends and allies.

活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin

Build your skills, explore technology and connect with expert help this May.



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