Performance: BAHAYA

星期二, 10/1/2024
6:00 - 7:30
Koret Auditorium
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

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BAHAYA means "Danger" in the Indonesian language, and in this multicultural, multimedia opera performance, it refers to the rise of sea level caused by the melting of the Polar Ice. Island countries throughout the world are gravely threatened by the rise of the sea level caused by climate change. BAHAYA is composed by Richard Marriott, with a libretto by Ruth Margraff. 

BAHAYA is devised from ocean tales from Indonesia, Greenland and 12th century poet Farid Ud-Din Attar with a story of two sisters who have drifted apart as glaciers melt, one to the South and one to the North. They command a Wayfarer to make his way across seven seas with an ancient stolen comb, and to then descend to the polluted ocean floor on a mysterious quest for purification. 

BAHAYA will be performed by Balinese virtuoso Dewa Berata, Gamelan Sekar Jaya musicians Carla Fabrizio and Sarah Willner, Club Foot Orchestra musicians Beth Custer and Chris Grady, and Russian Telegraph bandleader David James

Experimental video by Clemencia Macias, Bob Pacelli and Liz Walsh. Video editing by Steve Mobia. Production by Circuit Network.

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