
Panel: Radical Histories of Housing and Community Care

Tenderloin Community Quilt Panel Series
Miércoles, 11/29/2023
6:00 - 7:30
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

Contact Telephone

Listen to part two of the We Are Home: Tenderloin Community Quilt Project panel series, which will explore the history of housing alternatives within the Tenderloin and the legacies of community activism and care that continue today.


From Fall 2022 to Spring 2023, the project hosted workshops throughout the Tenderloin. Individuals participated in creating unique quilt square panels to contribute to what will be a greater Tenderloin Community Quilt, which will be completed by Fall 2023. The workshops have engaged Delivering Innovation to Supportive Housing—San Francisco (DISH SF) permanent supportive housing residents, the Hospitality House Community Arts Program and Tenderloin Museum.


The We Are Home: Tenderloin Community Quilt Project is focused on amplifying the voices of people who have the lived experience of homelessness, and those that care for or live and work in community with unhoused neighbors. The panel series aims to expand the conversation with extended community and offer an opportunity for meaningful engagement and reflection. We Are Home: Tenderloin Community Quilt Project was created with support of California Humanities, Humanities for All Grant awarded Summer 2022.



Delivering Innovation in Supportive Housing, San Francisco - Website | Delivering Innovation to Supportive Housing, San Francisco - Instagram 

Exercise your power of imagination with programs that encourage hands-on projects for adults. For craft programs, all materials are provided, unless noted.

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Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.




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Aviso: Este evento puede ser filmado o fotografiado. Al participar en este evento, usted da su consentimiento para que se utilice su imagen para los archivos y el material promocional de la Biblioteca. Si no desea ser fotografiado, por favor informe a un miembro del personal o al fotógrafo. Se le proporcionará una pegatina para ayudarle a identificarse para que podamos evitar capturar su imagen.


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