3-14-24 Tax Trouble Booked Website Banner .png

Presentation: Tax Trouble – What to do if You’ve Got Problems with the IRS

Jueves, 3/14/2024
6:00 - 7:00

Taxes are complicated in the best of times, and the last couple of years have not been the best of times. Constant changes in the tax law, redesign of basic forms, and changes in enforcement priorities have left a lot of people with unexpected tax liabilities—not to mention fines, late fees, and interest. If you've recently started your own business or become part of the gig economy as a free-lancer or independent contractor, you're especially at risk as you learn the rules for your new situation. We’ll talk about how to get back on the right foot with tax withholding and reporting, and what to do if you find yourself at odds with the IRS. Topics include IRS errors: how to spot them and how to handle them; statutes of limitations; worst-case scenarios like liens and garnishments; and mitigations like appeals, payment plans and amended returns.

About the speaker: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, EA, is the Principal at Clarity Financial, a woman-owned, fee-only financial planning firm based in San Francisco. She works with individuals and couples on retirement planning; equity compensation; tax planning; risk management; investments; budgeting, saving, and debt management; and more. She also prepares tax returns and teaches courses in financial planning and income tax.

Photo of Heather Liston

Clarity Financial


This Zoom event will be available to watch in the Learning Studio, 5th floor, Main Library.

In-person attendance does not require registration; seats available first come, first served.

An ongoing series of virtual programs focused on supporting job and career seekers, personal finance needs and small business resources.


Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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