Small Business Boogie Booked Website Banner  (3).png

Social: I Love Tenderloin Week Small Business Boogie

Martes, 4/23/2024
5:00 - 7:45
826 Valencia Tenderloin Center

180 Golden Gate Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

Celebrate I Love Tenderloin Week with the San Francisco Public Library and Small Business Boogie. Meet your neighbors, support small businesses, and get down and boogie on our small business walk. Hear the story of each business from the owner. Each business will offer a one-night special offer or discount during the event. Make it from start to finish and be entered into a raffle with a chance to win a prize from each of the participating businesses. Disco attire is encouraged! Meet at 180 Golden Gate Ave at 5 PM. The program will occur rain or shine.

Participating businesses and their start times:

5:30pm - 826 Valencia (180 Golden Gate Ave) 
6:00pm - Tenderloin Museum (398 Eddy St)
6:30pm - Phoenix Hotel (601 Eddy St)
7:00pm - Outta Sight Pizza (422 Larkin St)
7:30pm - Shovels Bar and Grill (460 Larkin St)

I Love Tenderloin Week (April 21-27) is a fun and engaging week of community building. Tenderloin advocates will showcase the rich restaurant and bar scene, spotlight small businesses and cultural destinations and celebrate all the positive attributes of this diverse and eclectic neighborhood. The community seeks to share first-hand what many people who live, work and run small businesses in the Tenderloin know: that the neighborhood is a destination full of opportunity.

Small Business Boogie logo

Small Business Boogie launched in October of 2022 and hosts neighborhood small business crawls in San Francisco. Their goal is to connect San Francisco residents with the small businesses in their community and to have some fun while doing it.

Connect: Small Business Boogie | Small Business Boogie - Instagram 

Connect with your community through Library gatherings.

Build connections with others in our local programs.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


Si tiene preguntas sobre el programa o necesita ayuda para inscribirse, póngase en contacto con Todos los programas están abiertos al público (no es necesario inscribirse) a menos que se indique lo contrario. Todas las ubicaciones de la Biblioteca Pública de San Francisco son accesibles por silla de ruedas. Para solicitar adaptaciones (tal como interpretación ASL o interpretación de idiomas), llame al (415) 557-4557 o póngase en contacto con Si lo solicita con al menos 3 días laborables de anticipación ayudará a garantizar la disponibilidad.

Aviso: Este evento puede ser filmado o fotografiado. Al participar en este evento, usted da su consentimiento para que se utilice su imagen para los archivos y el material promocional de la Biblioteca. Si no desea ser fotografiado, por favor informe a un miembro del personal o al fotógrafo. Se le proporcionará una pegatina para ayudarle a identificarse para que podamos evitar capturar su imagen.


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