Older Adult topic

Services: Community Resource Fair

Presented by The Aging Disabilitiy Resouce Center/Catholic Charities, California Connect, The Community Living Campaign and Home Match SF
Sábado, 5/11/2024
2:00 - 4:00
West Portal Front Courtyard
West Portal

190 Lenox Way
San Francisco, CA 94127
Estados Unidos

Contact Telephone

Join the Community Resource Fair presented by Aging Disability Resource Center (ADRC)/Catholic Charities, California Connect, Community Living Campaign and Home Match SF. 

  • Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is a one-stop shop for accessing services and resources that help older adults and people with disabilities continue living independently in the community. The ADRC works closely with the Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS), the Institute on Aging, and other San Francisco organizations to provide more efficient information and referrals for services, including caregiver assistance, case management, financial planning, housing, in-home care and medical assistance.
  • An expert from California Connect will show various specialized phones and explain this state-funded program focused on equipment and services that allow for fully accessible communication. California Connect provides communication access for Californians with hearing, vision, cognitive, mobility and speech-related disabilities.

  • Community Living Campaign is a non-profit serving seniors and the disabled community of adults in San Francisco. They will be providing information on free neighborhood exercise programs, food demonstrations and other activities for the thriving senior community of District 7 and beyond.

  • Home Match SF is a shared housing program that provides free, personalized services in the Bay Area and beyond to help find the right match for you. Share your home: Turn an available room in your home into an opportunity to earn income, save money, and create new social connections. Your home can make all the difference to a fellow community member facing a difficult housing market. Find your home: Benefit from an affordable home in the community you love. As a supportive homemate, you can also empower people who wish to age-in-place, by optionally helping with household activities in exchange for lower costs.

Connect: Catholic Charities/Aging Disability Resource Center | California Connect  | Community Living Campaign | Home Match SF

Learn and live well at any age.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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