Politics & Current Affairs

Presentation: California Ballot Measures 101

Jueves, 10/17/2024
6:00 - 7:30
Learning Studio - 5th Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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Get the total download on the California ballot measure landscape for the 2024 election from a specialized team of journalists—Emily Schultheis and Will McCarthy, newly appointed POLITICO reporters who are dedicated to covering “California’s deeply impactful ballot-measure campaigns.” 

The ballot measure process has been described as the fourth branch of government in California, directly giving law-making power to citizens without needing to rely on politicians as intermediaries, according to Julia Marsh, Editorial Director of POLITICO California. This year California voters are looking at 10 statewide measures, not including the handful of San Francisco propositions that will also appear on the ballots of the City’s residents.  

How did California law come to allow for such citizen agency in the ballot measure realm? What past ballot measure initiatives have shaped the current landscape? Which measures are hot for 2024?  

In the spirit of shedding light on this history and easing the burden placed on California voters (and especially San Franciscans), Schultheis and McCarthy will share how their unique roles at POLITICO came to be, give a brief history of ballot measure initiatives in California and discuss five or so hot measures for 2024. These journalists will offer glimpses into their own research processes and critical analysis tools that make their reporting accurate and trustworthy as they share their specialized knowledge. 

Learn More 

POLITICO’s Press Release Announcing the New Ballot Measure Team 

Schultheis’s and McCarthy’s reporting at the POLITICO Playbook P.M. Newsletter Archive  

San Francisco Chronicle’s Article on the Final 10 Measures Appearing on the Ballot 

California Secretary of State – Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures 

San Francisco Department of Elections – Measures and Ballot Arguments  


Emily Schultheis – Website | Emily Schultheis – LinkedIn | Emily Shultheis – X  

Will McCarthy – Website | Will McCarthy – UC Berkeley | Will McCarthy – X  

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