Somatic Meditation w/ Zacha Belok from WITHIN Meditation
Viernes, 9/9/2022
12:00 - 1:00

Our partners at TendWell Collective guide us in a gentle and accessible movement class.


Every body in meditation is unique and changing. In this class, we'll explore how adapting your posture to better attune to your needs might open entirely new ideas about meditation in the first place. By attending to beginnings and transitions, a meditation informed by body sensation finds self by aligning with physical experience. A sense of peace and quiet may come through your body by moving vigorously or staying in complete stillness - what's important becomes you knowing that it's right. Join this somatic meditation to invite your practice to dance with the limits of physical place and body expression. You might discover your limitations and constraints as doorways.


This class includes:

  • A grounding meditation to arrive
  • A brief Introduction from TendWell about the organization and their values
  • An accessible Mindful Movement practice which may include yoga, pilates or dance
  • Close with questions and community conversation (participation optional)


Our upcoming schedule will be


TendWell Collective is a San Francisco Bay Area group of wellness professionals envisioning a world where everyone has the resources, access, community and agency that they need to tend to their own wellness.  



TendWell Collective - Website 

TendWell Collective - Schedule 

TendWell Collective - Values

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