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Author Talk: Juli Delgado Loprera and Myriam Gurba in conversation

星期四, 6/25/2020
7:00 - 8:00


An evening with Juli Delgado Lopera and Myriam Gurba in celebration of Lopera latest book Fiebre Tropical: A Novel published by The Feminist Press. These two authors and artists will discuss 

Lit by the hormonal neon glow of Miami, this heady, multilingual debut novel follows a Colombian teenager's coming-of-age and coming out as she plunges headfirst into lust and evangelism. Uprooted from her comfortable life in Bogotá, Colombia, into an ant-infested Miami townhouse, fifteen-year-old Francisca is miserable and friendless in her strange new city. Her alienation grows when her mother is swept up into an evangelical church, replete with Christian salsa, abstinent young dancers, and baptisms for the dead. 

Juli Delgado Lopera is an award-winning Colombian writer, historian, speaker and storyteller based in San Francisco. They are the author of Quiéreme (Nomadic Press 2017) and ¡Cuéntamelo! (Aunt Lute 2017) an illustrated bilingual collection of oral histories by LGBT Latinx immigrants which won a 2018 Lambda Literary Award and a 2018 Independent Publisher Book Award.

Myriam Gurba is a writer and artist. She is the author of the true-crime memoir Mean, a New York Times editors’ choice. O, the Oprah Magazine, ranked Mean as one of the best LGBTQ books of all time. Gurba has shown art in galleries, museums and community centers. 

Mean, a true crime, memoir and ghost story, is the bold and hilarious tale of Myriam Gurba’s coming of age as a queer, mixed-race Chicana.

Reservation required:

Get the book today at Dog Eared Books Castro, call between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. every weekday at (415) 282 1901 or order online.  

Connect with Juli Delgado Lopera - Website | Instagram | Twtiiter | TEDx Talk | Press

Connect with Myriam Gurba - Website | Instagram | Twitter 

Related Event, Book Club: Fiebre Tropical,  Wednesday June 17 •  7PM, Reservation required:


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