Historic photo of suffrage and presenter portrait

Presentation: America’s First Suffrage March and the San Francisco Women Who Led It

星期四, 8/27/2020
6:00 - 7:00


Evelyn Rose, Director of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project, will present the story of the San Francisco women of the California Equal Suffrage Association, leading up to what is believed to be the first suffrage march in America in 1908, twelve years before the ratification of the 19th Amendment. The early use of textiles as a way to help raise awareness and broadcast the determination of these emboldened women to win their equal rights will also be discussed.

Evelyn Rose, PharmD, is the founder and Director of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History ProjectEmail | Facebook | Twitter

Photo credit: Jeanette Wall Pinther Family

Reservations required: bit.ly/Suffrage8-27-20

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