three art pieces by Ali Blum

Dialogue: Alexandra Blum, Art in the time of COVID

星期二, 9/22/2020
6:00 - 7:00


Alexandra Blum, San Francisco artist and educator will lead us on a virtual artist studio tour and discussion of her work during the time of COVID-19. 

Artist Statement: I have always loved the versatility of printmaking and work mostly in mixed media including monoprinting, screen printing, transfers, drawings and gouache. Folktales and myths have also been integral to my understanding of the world. Over time, hybrid creatures and genetic engineering have blended with mythological images of my childhood and I find myself drawing connections-- the web of life to environment, politics, climate change, fires, food production, COVID19 and our planet.

Since sheltering in place my work has been exclusively about COVID and documenting my experience. I have returned to old images and working back into them as well as creating new work. This outpouring of emotions and energy has resulted in a new and ongoing body of work.

Alexandra Blum received her BFA from Cornell University in Painting and her MFA in Printmaking from Washington University in St Louis. She has had residencies at Curtiduria Print shop in Oaxaca, Mexico, and the De Young Museum in San Francisco. Ali actively exhibits group and solo shows include De Young Museum, Cornell University Hartell Gallery, San Francisco Public Library, Museo de la Filatelia de Oaxaca, Ligne Roset, Front Gallery, Somarts, Paxton Gate Curiosities for Kids, The Mission Cultural Center and The San Francisco Jewish Library.

Ali teaches at Drew School and the students serve as a constant source of energy and inspiration. She has conducted workshops and live art demonstrations at the SFMOMA, De Young Friday Night Events, The Academy of Sciences, Asian Art Museum intern program and The Jewish Museum. She is a member of the California Printmaking Society.

Reservation required:

Connect with Ali Blum  - Website | Instagram

This event will simultaneously be broadcast on the SF Public Library YouTube.

For accommodations, call (415) 557-4557 or contact 444. Requesting 72 hours in advance will help ensure availability.

This event may be recorded, if you are not comfortable being recorded, please place your display camera to OFF.






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