Presentation: Night of Ideas 2021

Gathering Bay Area thinkers, community leaders, artists and visionaries, this year's edition of the festive all-night library takeover will stream to your home.
星期四, 1/28/2021
7:00 - 9:00


Animate your imagination with the Bay Area's third annual Night of Ideas!

Gathering Bay Area thinkers, community leaders, artists, and visionaries, this year's edition of the festive all-night library takeover will stream to your home. But even as we remain safely apart, how do we close the distance?

After a year that has created or exacerbated so many kinds of distance -- physical and metaphorical -- among us, we've invited these voices to share ideas and creative visions that can bring us closer together. How do we close the distances we face between each other? How do we close the distance toward a more just and vibrant Bay Area?

Hosted by KQED's Mina Kim, the evening will feature a special conversation between San Francisco Mayor London N. Breed and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo about what these global cities can learn from each other, despite the geographic and cultural distance between them, and how they plan to lead their communities through the recovery ahead.

Join us to explore a program representing a breadth of the wider Bay Area's diverse thought and expression, including:


Spoken Word and Multimedia 

Original Performances

For more information and full list of speakers, panelists, and performers, visit

NIGHT OF IDEAS is produced in connection with LA NUIT DES IDÉES, a project of the Institut Français, Paris. Night of Ideas is an annual event dedicated to the free circulation of ideas and knowledge, initiated and coordinated by the Institut français in Paris.

Night of Ideas is co-presented by California Humanities, KQED, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and Villa San Francisco.

The event is made possible by the support of the City and County of San Francisco, the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library, Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, French American Cultural Society, Consulate General of France in San Francisco as well as AbbVie through its ongoing support of KQED. La Nuit des Idées is a project of the Institut Français.

ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: Captions and American Sign Language interpreters from Bay Area Communication Access will be available during the livestream event. 


Desde autores favoritos a artistas visionarios a expertos en campos tan diversos como la salud pública, la historia local, tecnología y cultura, esta serie trae a tu casa las voces que quieres escuchar.



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