Authors: Maika & Maritza Moulite

星期二, 3/9/2021
2:00 - 3:00


Sister-writer duo Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite, authors of Dear Haiti, Love Alaine and One of the Good Ones, share their perspectives on writing, allyship and the power of sisterhood. For ages 13–18. 

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Maika Moulite is a Miami native and the daughter of Haitian immigrants. She earned a bachelor’s in marketing from Florida State University and an MBA from the University of Miami. When not using her digital prowess to help nonprofits and major organizations tell their stories online, she’s sharpening her skills as a PhD student at Howard University's Communication, Culture and Media Studies program. Her research focuses on representation in media and its impact on marginalized groups. She’s the eldest of four sisters and loves young adult novels, fierce female leads and laughing. Website | Instagram | Twitter

Maritza Moulite graduated from the University of Florida with a bachelor’s in women’s studies and the University of Southern California with a master’s in journalism. She’s worked in various capacities for NBC News, CNN and USA TODAY. Maritza is a PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania exploring ways to improve literacy in under-resourced communities after being inspired to study education from her time as a literacy tutor and pre-k teacher assistant. Her favorite song is “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire. Website | Instagram | Twitter


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