
Presentation: A.B.O. Comix Voices of LGBTQ Prisoners

星期一, 6/7/2021
7:00 - 8:00


Learn about the work of A.B.O. Comix, a collective of creators and activists who work to amplify the voices of LGBTQ prisoners through art.


By working closely with prison abolitionist and queer advocacy organizations, A.B.O. aims to keep queer prisoners connected to outside community and help them in the fight toward liberation. The profits we generate go back to incarcerated artists, especially those with little to no resources. Using the DIY ideology of "punk-zine" culture, A.B.O. was formed with the philosophy of mutual support, community and friendship. ​


Our collective is working towards compassionate accountability without relying on the state or its sycophants. A.B.O. believes our interpersonal and societal issues can be solved without locking people in cages. Our mission is to combat the culture that treats humans as disposable and disproportionately criminalizes the most marginalized amongst us. Through artistic activism, we hope to proliferate the idea that a better world means redefining our concepts of justice.  

A.B.O. Comix  - Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

YouTube Live

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