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Author: Kat Zhang

星期六, 8/7/2021
11:00 - 11:45

Meet Kat Zhang, children’s book author of Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao in an interactive food-themed read aloud certain to delight. Learn how the mixture of culture and perseverance through cooking and food, results in perfection through practice. For kids and their families.


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About Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao: Amy loves to make bao with her family. But it takes skill to make the bao taste and look delicious. And her bao keep coming out all wrong. Then she has an idea that may give her a second chance. Will Amy ever make the perfect bao?


Kat Zhang has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. After a childhood spent living in books, she now builds stories for other people to visit. In addition to her Young Adult trilogy, "The Hybrid Chronicles," she has also published two Middle Grade novels, The Emperor's Riddle and The Memory of Forgotten Things, as well as two picture books, Amy Wu & the Perfect Bao and Amy Wu & the Patchwork Dragon. The third in the series, Amy Wu & the Warm Welcome, will release in Summer 2022.

Connect with Kat Zhang: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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