Performance: Poets of Taurean Horse Press

星期日, 8/15/2021
2:00 - 3:30

Performance: Poets of Taurean Horse Press – Aug. 15, 2 p.m. 

Poet and publisher Bill Vartnaw hosts a reading by Taurean Horse Press poets, including Avotcja, Gail Mitchell, Jeanne Powell, Tom Sharp and Kim Shuck.

Taurean Horn Press was established in 1974 in San Francisco after the Bay Area Poets Coalition’s Summer Solstice Poetry Festival, an event that had hundreds of poets reading all over SF, in buses, cable cars, ferries, parks as well as in the usual poetry venues for the week of the solstice. Since Honeydew: an anthology Taurean Horn evolved into a poetry press that celebrated individual poets who read their work in public. The first two poets published by the press, Paul Vane and Carol Lee Sanchez, were married during this poetry festival. Carol Lee Sanchez, one of the founders of BAPC, with Barbara Gravelle, became a focus of the press and one of its advisors. She went on to become the Statewide Coordinator of the California Poets in the Schools program and taught in the American Indian Studies and Women’s Studies departments at San Francisco State University. Since 1974 Taurean Horn Press has published more than 20 books, with several more planned for the future.

Bill Vartnaw is the publisher of Taurean Horn Press and served as the seventh Sonoma County Poet Laureate in 2012 and 2013.

Avotcja is a Poet, Musician, Teacher and Radio Personality.  Connect - Website

Gail Mitchell is the author of Root Tracings and Bone Songs. Gail's resistance, gratitude and love moves the pen forward, leaving ink trails in the blood.

Jeanne Powell is a poet, essayist, fiction author and writing consultant, as well as the founder of Meridien PressWorks. She has published numerous poetry collections, including February Voices, Cadences, Tangerine Dance, Two Seasons, My Own Silence and Word Dancing. Her book Carousel: Essays and Such was published in 2014. Connect Website | StarkInsider

Tom Sharp, Ph.D., is a Native American of Aleut heritage, a member of Seldovia Village Tribe, and the author of over 40 books of poetry, including Spectacles: A Sampler of Poems and Prose (Taurean Horn Press, 1997). Connect – Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

Kim Shuck is a San Francisco poet laureate emerita. She gets up to all manner of poetic mischief. Connect - WebsiteFacebook


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