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Author: Tomas Moniz and Michelle Gonzales in conversation

Big Familia
星期二, 10/12/2021
6:00 - 7:00
Latino/Hispanic 會議室 B - 底層

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Tomas Moniz and Michelle Cruz Gonzales discuss writing, educating and their Bay Area history. 


This event will be live and streamed via Zoom. 


Tomas Moniz is a father, writer, teacher and performer. His debut novel Big Familia was a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Debut Novel 2020 Award, a finalist for a LAMBDA 2020 award for Bisexual Fiction and a finalist for the Foreword Review Indies Award. In July 2019, he released a chapbook, All Friends Are Necessary, with Mason Jar Press. He edited Rad Dad, Rad Families, and the kids book Collaboration/Colaboración. He is an Artist Affiliate at the Headlands Center for the Arts 2020/2021. He's represented by Eleanor Jackson of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency


Michelle Cruz Gonzales is an English professor and author of the memoir, The Spitboy Rule: Tales of a Xicana in a Female Punk which is taught in colleges and universities all over the United States. She has essay and fiction in anthologies by Putnam, PM Press, Seal Press and Literary Kitchen, and she has published online in Longreads, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Latino Rebels and Mitu. She recently completed a satirical novel about near-future-California that secedes from the US and forces intermarriage between whites and Mexicanos for the purpose of creating a race of beautiful, intelligent, hardworking people and she is currently at work on a screenplay.


Watch on YouTube.



Tomas Moniz - Website | Tomas Moniz - Instagram | Tomas Moniz - Twitter

Michelle Gonzales - Website | Michelle Gonzales - Instagram | Michelle Gonzales - Twitter 




圖書館「為生命喝采 ¡VIVA! 」 活動慶祝拉丁美裔傳統、文化與傳承。三藩市有著豐富的拉丁美裔傳統,從西班牙語/雙語故事時間到作家講座,乃至藝術和文化介紹等適合各年齡層人士的精彩節目都體現了這一傳統。

Desde autores favoritos a artistas visionarios a expertos en campos tan diversos como la salud pública, la historia local, tecnología y cultura, esta serie trae a tu casa las voces que quieres escuchar.



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