Jail and Reentry Services

Social: Tapped-In Magazine Exhibition and Book Fair

presented by the Returning Citizens Association
星期六, 3/29/2025
2:00 - 5:00
Koret Lobby
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Meet and support authors impacted by the criminal legal system at the Book Fair. Enjoy refreshments and experience art, performances and storytelling that celebrate the Returning Citizens Association’s Tapped-In Magazine.

Returning Citizens Association (RCA) will celebrate their first two issues of Tapped-In Magazine with visual art and performances by system-impacted artists. Stop by to learn more about RCA and form community. At the same time, visit the Book Fair to meet system-impacted authors and buy their books.

Returning Citizens Association is a collection of system-impacted individuals. System-impacted means any individual impacted by the carceral system, but it does not mean that the individual has been arrested or sentenced to jail/prison etc. For example, children of the incarcerated, spouses, relatives and friends are all system-impacted individuals. Returning citizens are members of our community who have returned from time in jail or prison.

Richard Gaines, a returning citizen himself, founded RCA in 2022 with the mission to increase the economic, political, and social capital of returning citizens in the US. Their main feature is their weekly non-clinical mental health support group which focuses on harm reduction, reentry support and educational workshops. RCA aims to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to reentry, addressing the various challenges that returning citizens face in their transition back into society.

Born and raised in Pittsburg, CA, Gaines faced trauma early on when his mother was tragically shot by his father in a domestic violence incident. Despite this, he found a way to cope and move forward. However, his journey took a difficult turn when he became involved in drug dealing and crime, leading to a 29 year to life prison sentence.

During his 24 years of incarceration, Gaines turned his life around through self-help programs and education. He earned a college degree and authored several books, including a children’s book. He also founded a publishing company while in prison, helping to publish the works of four fellow inmates.


Returning Citizens Association - Website

SFPL Jail and Reentry Services – Website

Learn about and increase your awareness of issues related to jail, prison, incarceration and reentry resources. Find out more about our services: sfpl.org/services/jail-and-reentry-services.



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