
Workshop: Poems about the Music of The City

星期四, 4/10/2025
5:30 - 7:00
James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center - 3rd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

The hiss of a MUNI bus as it kneels, sea lions barking up at the wharf, the click-clack of skateboards across the bricks of Justin Herman Plaza. The golden soundscapes of Sly Stone, Santana, Sugar Pie DeSanto, San Quinn. What does fog sound like? What does Market Street remember? San Francisco is a city surging with music. Let’s find inspiration in our own audio archives, visual exhibits in the library, and creative dialogue with each other, and write about it.

Open to all ages and writing backgrounds/experience.

David Maduli is a Filipinx father, writer, and educator. His work, often inflected by many years as a DJ and public school teacher, has received the Joy Harjo Poetry Prize. Born in San Francisco, he is the author of Alemany Bay Window / Redwood Coast Record Crate, a dual poetry collection that documents the textures of his centenarian grandmother’s house in the Outer Mission as well as the liner notes and samples of vinyl records and sleeves.

Janice Lobo Sapigao (she/her) is a Filipina American poet, writer, and independent scholar from the San Francisco Bay Area (unceded Ohlone land). She is a daughter of immigrants who grew up in a house with 12 people. She is the author of the poetry collections like a solid to a shadow (Nightboat Books, 2022) and microchips for millions (PAWA, Inc., 2016), along with two other chapbooks. She contributed three entries to The SAGE Encyclopedia of Filipina/x/o American Studies. She is an earrings collector, an introvert, an avid reader, and a July Leo. She is working on a novel.

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Programs designed to celebrate the art of the poem, including readings and talks.

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