Featured History Books about San Francisco and California
Discover more California history
Truth and LoveBlackman, Carol
TroublemakersBerlin, Leslie
Gold Rush StoriesNoy, Gary
Lost Worlds of the San Francisco Bay AreaLinsteadt, Sylvia
Harlem of the WestPepin, Elizabeth
San Francisco NoirLyon, Fred
An American GenocideMadley, Benjamin
Growing up in San FranciscoDunnigan, Frank
Dirty DeedsTaniguchi, Nancy J.
Cool Gray City of LoveKamiya, Gary
Season of the WitchTalbot, David
The General Collections and Humanities Center on the 3rd floor of the Main library maintains a well-rounded circulating print history collection and library-use-only print reference collection encompassing histories of the United States and the world, with an emphasis on local (California and Bay Area) history.
The print collections are supplemented by the following databases...
For more in depth information on the history of San Francisco, including accessing the official archives for the City and County of San Francisco, visit or contact the San Francisco History Center on the 6th floor of the Main library.
Women of World War II
View list in catalog
One Hundred SaturdaysFrank, Michael
Women Heroes of World War IIAtwood, Kathryn J.
Women Heroes of World War IIAtwood, Kathryn J.
A Game of Birds and WolvesParkin, Simon
Our Mothers' WarYellin, Emily
The Girls Who Stepped Out of LineEder, Mari K.
Grandmothers, Our GrandmothersHan, Seong-Won
Displaced PersonHilton, Ella E. Schneider
GI BridesBarrett, Duncan
Valiant WomenAndrews, Lena S.
The Matryoshka MemoirsColby, Sasha
Fiet's Vase and Other Stories of Survival, Europe 1939-1945Gold, Alison Leslie
Queer Lives Across the WallRottmann, Andrea
And If I PerishMonahan, Evelyn M.
GirlFrankel, Alona
Women in the ResistanceRossiter, Margaret L.