Performance: Poets read from "Dear Human at the Edge of Time"

Everybody's Climate
星期日, 7/21/2024
1:00 - 3:00
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Aileen Cassinetto, Marisa Lin and Kim Shuck will be reading poems from the new anthology Dear Human at the Edge of Time: Poems on Climate Change in the United States. This timely, moving collection of poetry was released as a companion to the Fifth National Climate Assessment, the U.S. Government's 2023 preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks and responses. They will be joined by special guests Sharon Coleman and Ranko Ogura who will perform "EcoDance." 

Aileen Cassinetto is co-editor of the anthology, Dear Human at the Edge of Time: Poems on Climate Change in the United States (Paloma Press, 2023). She served as poet laureate of San Mateo County from 2019 to 2022 and is a 2023 YBCA 100 honoree for her contributions in building regenerative and equitable communities through poetry.

Sharon Coleman received the 2022 Maverick Award for her poetry from the ruth weiss Foundation. She’s taught composition, poetry writing, creative writing, and production and publication at Berkeley City College since 2002 and directs their art and literary journal, Milvia Street

Marisa Lin is a 2023 Poetry Fellow at UC Berkeley’s Arts Research Center, and her chapbook, DREAM ELEVATOR, was recently released by Kernpunkt Press. She is pursuing a Master’s Degree of Public Policy at UC Berkeley. 

Ranko Ogura was raised with Japanese traditional arts/cultures, and the spirit of harmony with nature formed the foundation of her artistic consciousness. She promotes environmental preservation through her performances and was awarded a San Francisco Arts Commission Grant in 2023.

Kim Shuck is the 7th poet laureate of San Francisco. In 2019 she was awarded an inaugural National Laureate Fellowship from the Academy of American Poets and a PEN Oakland Censorship Award. Her recent book of poetry, What Unseen Thing Blows Wishes Across My Surface?, a collaboration with visual artist LisaRuth Elliott, and her book of essays, Noodle, Rant, Tangent, were published in 2022. 


Aileen Cassinetto – Website

Sharon Coleman – Website

Marisa Lin - Website

Ranko Ogura – Instagram

Kim Shuck - Website

Everybody’s Climate 2024: Connect with others to address the climate crisis in ways that are meaningful to you, from poetry and music to science and practical action.

Find out how to adopt a greener lifestyle and discover the outdoors with SFPL and its partners.

Programs designed to celebrate the art of the poem, including readings and talks.

Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.





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