Feb 29 2024 - Irena Smith.png

Author: Irena Smith, The Golden Ticket: A Life in College Admissions Essays

星期四, 2/29/2024
6:45 - 7:45
West Portal Children's Area
West Portal

190 Lenox Way
San Francisco, CA 94127

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As a private college admissions counselor in Palo Alto, Irena Smith works with some of the country's most ambitious and tightly-wound students.  She talks about her book The Golden Ticket and what it means for students to succeed.  Narrated as a series of responses to college application essay prompts, her book offers sharp social commentary, family history, and the lessons of great (and not so great) literature to offer a broader, more generous vision of what it means to succeed.  For parents of children of all ages.

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