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Workshop: Finding Your Place in the Climate Justice Movement

Everybody's Climate
星期日, 7/28/2024
1:00 - 3:00
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

You probably know about the major troubles of climate change: rising global temperatures, biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation and the negative impact to the livelihoods of many people around the world—to name just a few. But the issues are so big, it feels insurmountable. What can one person do in the face of all of that? This workshop will address how you can get involved, starting from wherever you are, and how important it is that you do so. The only way forward is together.

Cynthia Kaufman is the Director of the Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action De Anza College where she runs, and teaches in, a community organizer training program. She is the author of five books on social change: Consumerism, Sustainability, and Happiness: How to Build a World Where Everyone has Enough (Routledge 2023), The Sea is Rising and So Are We: A Climate Justice Handbook (PM Press 2021), Challenging Power: Democracy and Accountability in a Fractured World (Bloomsbury 2020), Getting Past Capitalism: History, Vision, Hope (Lexington Books 2012) and Ideas for Action: Relevant Theory for Radical Change (2nd Edition PM Press 2016). She has been active in a wide variety of social justice movements including Central American solidarity, union organizing, police accountability, and most recently tenants’ rights, transit justice and climate change. 

Everybody’s Climate 2024: Connect with others to address the climate crisis in ways that are meaningful to you, from poetry and music to science and practical action.

Find out how to adopt a greener lifestyle and discover the outdoors with SFPL and its partners.

Summer Stride is the Library's annual summer learning, reading and exploration program for all ages and abilities. Read and learn with the Library all summer long.



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