Presentation: Elizabeth Yang with Career Girls

星期四, 5/20/2021
10:30 - 11:00

Elizabeth Yang, founder of Hmong Women Take on the World and successful business strategist, talks from the heart about her career journey in an engaging talk that will surely inspire. Elizabeth is an energetic and passionate speaker, trainer, mentor, and overall, powerhouse. This program is made possible in partnership with Career Girls. Learn more about Elizabeth's education, career, story and advice to young people from her motivational Career Girls videos. For ages 11 and older. 

Tune in on YouTube

About Elizabeth Yang

Elizabeth Yang is the Customer Yes! business strategist showing purpose-drive, ambitious entrepreneurs how to own their leadership and turn customer yeses into happy sales online. The Founder and CEO of Better With Company, a high touch business coaching and training agency. Elizabeth is the creator of the Customer YES! Lab, a 12 month e-Business program community that helps diverse entrepreneurs launch in 90 days to achieve higher purpose and profits. She also serves her community as the Founder of Hmong Women Take on the World, a Global Online Leadership Summit that brings hundreds together to globally celebrate women and girls across 8 countries. She specializes in the customer mindset, high flow performance, leadership, and talent & team optimization. She lives in Minnesota with family. She enjoys reading, music, traveling, and hula hooping. Hearty laughs are what's most incredible in her life and network.


About Career Girls is a comprehensive video-based career exploration and readiness tool for girls. It’s free to use, and free of ads. Wehave the largest online collection of career guidance videos focusing exclusively on diverse and accomplished women — over half of whom are in STEM fields — and we add to it weekly.








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