10-14 Leticia Hernández-Linares with Robert Liu-Trujillo.png

Author: Leticia Hernández-Linares with Robert Liu-Trujillo 

星期四, 10/14/2021
5:30 - 6:15

Leticia Hernández-Linares and Robert Liu-Trujillo, longtime Bay Area artists and activists, share their process of working together with The Rise-Home Stories project to create Alejandria Fight Back/¡La Lucha de Alejandria! Join nine-year-old Alejandria as she fights to save her neighborhood in this bilingual Spanish-English picture book, which centers youth activism amidst housing insecurity and gentrification. A must-watch event for kids and their families.  


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Leticia Hernández-Linares coauthored this book. She is a bilingual, interdisciplinary writer, artist, and racial justice educator. The first-generation US-born daughter of Salvadoran immigrants, Leticia is the author of Mucha Muchacha, Too Much Girl. All of her creative and educational work incorporates storytelling and art—important tools for celebrating culture and community. She has lived on the same block in the Mission District of San Francisco for twenty-five years. Learn more about Leticia at joinleticia.com


Robert Liu-Trujillo illustrated this book. He is a lifelong Bay Area resident. Born in Oakland, California, he is the child of student activists who watched lots of science fiction and took him to many demonstrations. Always drawing, Rob grew up to be an artist, falling in love with graffiti, fine art, illustration, murals, and children’s books. Through storytelling, he’s been able to scratch the surface of so many untold stories. He is the author and illustrator of Furqan’s First Flat Top. Learn more about Rob at work.robdontstop.com


The Rise-Home Stories Project is a groundbreaking collaboration between multimedia storytellers and social justice advocates from several grassroots organizations who work at the nexus of housing, land, and racial justice in the US. To learn more, visit risehomestories.com.


圖書館「為生命喝采 ¡VIVA! 」 活動慶祝拉丁美裔傳統、文化與傳承。三藩市有著豐富的拉丁美裔傳統,從西班牙語/雙語故事時間到作家講座,乃至藝術和文化介紹等適合各年齡層人士的精彩節目都體現了這一傳統。





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