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Author: Mike Jung

星期三, 6/30/2021
1:00 - 1:45

Meet Mike Jung, local children's book author who strikes just the right balance between humor and poignancy in his middle-grade chapter books. Jung will discuss the themes of friendship, race and standards of masculinity in his middle-grade novel The Boys in the Back Row using mementos from the real-life friendship that inspired the book. For ages 10 and older. 


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About Boys in the Back Row: Best friends Matt and Eric are hatching a plan for one big final adventure together before Eric moves away: during the marching band competition at a Giant Amusement Park, they will sneak away to a nearby comics convention and meet their idol-a famous comic creator. Without cell phones. Or transportation. Or permission. An honest and witty celebration of band kids and male friendship.


Mike Jung is the author of Geeks, Girls, and Secret Identities, Unidentified Suburban Object, and The Boys in the Back Row, and contributed to the anthologies Dear Teen Me, Break These Rules, 59 Reasons to Write, (Don’t) Call Me Crazy, and The Hero Next Door. His books have been honored by the Bank Street College of Education, Children’s Book Council Reading Beyond List, Cooperative Children's Book Center, Georgia State Book Awards, Iowa Children's Choice Awards, Kansas State Reading Circle, National Parenting Publications Awards, Parents Choice Foundation, and Texas Bluebonnet Awards. He's proud to be a founding member of the #WeNeedDiverseBooks team, and lives in Oakland, California, with his family.


Connect with Mike Jung: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


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