Author: How Mighty Is the Small, Independent Press

a Litquake event
Domingo, 10/13/2024
1:00 - 2:00
Saroyan Area - 6th Floor
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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Moderator Tania Malik and panelists Nina Schuyler, Grace Loh Prasad, and Carol LaHines will share a frank discussion about their experiences being traditionally published by small, independent presses. Following a reading, they will delve into the ins and outs of the small press publication process, as well as the cultural impact of smaller presses taking chances on voices that bigger presses find too risky or hard to classify. Presented by Litquake. 


Tania Malik is the author of the novel Hope You Are Satisfied which was recommended by NPR and named one of the best espionage novels of 2023 by CrimeReads. Her previous novel Three Bargains received a Publishers Weekly Starred review and a Booklist Starred review.

Connect: Tania Malik - Website


Carol LaHines’s debut novel, Someday Everything Will All Make Sense, was a finalist for the Nilsen Prize for a First Novel and an American Fiction Award. Her second novel, The Vixen Amber Halloway, was published in June 2024.

Connect: Carol LaHines - Website

Grace Loh Prasad is the author of The Translator’s Daughter, a debut memoir about living between languages, navigating loss, and the search for belonging. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Literary Hub, Longreads, Guernica, Brevity, The Offing, Oldster Magazine, KHÔRA and more.

Connect: The Translator's Daughter - Website

Nina Schuyler's collection, In This Ravishing World, won the W.S. Porter Prize and the Prism Prize for Climate Literature. Her novel, Afterword, won the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year for Literary and Science Fiction and the PenCraft Seasonal Book Award for Fiction-Science Fiction.

Connect: Nina Schuyler - Website

Connect: Litquake - Website | Litquake - Instagram

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