11:00 - 12:00
Estados Unidos
Attorney Oak Dowling will enlighten and educate on how to protect older adults against common financial scams.
Oak Dowling, JD, is a retired attorney with 43 years of practice, including 31 years in San Rafael. Oak has been a member of the Marin County Financial Abuse Specialist Team (“FAST”) since its inception in 2011 and was selected as Outstanding Marin County Volunteer of the Year for 2012-2013.
Beth Fernbacher has an MBA from University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. She has worked in banking and financial consulting and now works as a Realtor. Her experience working in finance showed her how easily people can commit financial fraud
Work it
An ongoing series of virtual programs focused on supporting job and career seekers, personal finance needs and small business resources.
Financial Capability Month
Presentations on a wide menu of topics, ranging from the basics on saving, financial planning and cash flow management, to investing, retirement planning, property tax and insurance sub-limits throughout the month of April.