
Author: Cindy Fazzi in Conversation

Multo: A Thriller
Sábado, 10/14/2023
2:00 - 4:00
James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center - 3rd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
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In celebration of Filipino American History Month, we bring you a conversation with author, Cindy Fazzi and Professor May-lee Chai about her debut thriller, Multo. "Multo" meaning ghost in the Philippine language, Tagalog, follows Filipino American bounty hunter Domingo as he is hired to seek the only quarry that had ever eluded him. Domingo is being touted as a new kind of hero for a diverse audience. Fazzi describes him as a bounty hunter in the mold of Robert De Niro’s Jack Walsh in “Midnight Run,” but with the sense of humor of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum. 

Agora, an imprint of Polis Books, was launched in 2018 to publish diversity-focused crime and noir fiction. Polis Books was founded by Jason Pinter best-selling author of the Rachel Marin thriller series and Henry Parker thriller series.

Cindy Fazzi is a Filipino American writer and former Associated Press reporter. She has worked as a journalist in the Philippines, Taiwan, and the United States. Her writing has been published in Snake Nation Review, Copperfield Review, and most recently, Electric Literature. She has published a romance novel under a pen name and a historical novel with the micro-indie Sand Hill Press, My MacArthur, which was a quarter-finalist in the 2018 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book contest. Multo is the first in a planned series. 

May-lee Chai is the author of the American Book Award-winning story collection Useful Phrases for Immigrants and ten other books. Her prize-winning short prose has been published widely, including in the New England Review, Missouri Review, Seventeen, The Rumpus, ZYZZYVA, the Los Angeles Times, Dallas Morning News, and the San Francisco Chronicle. The recipient of an NEA fellowship in prose, Chai is an associate professor in the Creative Writing Department at San Francisco State University.


Cindy Fazzi : website

May-lee Chai : website


Sponsored by Philippine American Writers and Artists (PAWA) and the Filipino American Center at the San Francisco Public Library

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