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Author: Past Lives: Shelley Wong and Celeste Chan in Conversation

Domingo, 11/19/2023
2:00 - 3:30
James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center - 3rd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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Shelley Wong and Celeste Chan share work-in-progress and exchange ideas about family research (Wong's great-grandparents' immigration to SF in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and Chan's family’s war-time survival and awakening in the 1960s Bay Area). The conversation will also explore craft and artistic practices. Supported by San Francisco Arts Commission

Shelley Wong is a poet and the author of As She Appears (YesYes Books), winner of a 2023 Lambda Literary Award and longlisted for the 2022 National Book Award. She lives in San Francisco. 

Celeste Chan is a writer and artist. Co-founder of Queer Rebels, she toured the West Coast with Sister Spit, and facilitated LGBTQ history workshops for youth with Queer Ancestors Project. She's currently working on her family memoir.  


Shelley Wong – Instagram 

Shelley Wong – Twitter/X 

Celeste Chan – Instagram  

Celeste Chan – Twitter/X 

Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Interest
Connect with AANHPI heritage with programs and workshops, book recommendations and more.

Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

Gather, share knowledge and celebrate our unique identities at the queerest library ever. 

For more resources, the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center is the gateway to the Library’s broader collections documenting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual history and culture, with a special emphasis on the San Francisco Bay Area.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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