12:00 - 2:30
351 9th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
Estados Unidos
Learn about the impact of Alzheimer's and Dementia , local resources and ways you can join the fight against Alzheimer’s and dementia. Noon - 1:00 (In English).
今天,超過 600 萬美國人患有阿滋海默症,超過 1100 萬人是他們的無償照護人員 — 一場不斷升級的健康危機影響了我們社區的許多人。加入我們,了解此疾病的影響、當地資源以及您可以加入對抗阿滋海默症和所有其他失智症的方法。1:30-2:30 (In Mandarin).
Health & Wellness
Build better wellness practices and learn ways to improve your health.
Disability/Accessibility Interest
Events for adults and children with disabilities, their families, friends and allies.