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My Father Xu Beihong: Music Inspired by His Art 我的父親徐悲鸿:他的藝術喚起的音樂

By Author Xu Fangfang 作家徐芳芳
Domingo, 9/22/2024
2:00 - 5:30
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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Xu Beihong (1895-1953), Chinese artist and art educator, is widely known as the father of modern Chinese painting. His animal paintings often subtly express deeper meanings through his use of analogy, which achieves the richest expression found in traditional Chinese painting.

Jiang Wenye (1910-1983),Chinese composer and music educator, was among the earliest to write Chinese music for Western orchestra and piano. Xu Fangfang will introduce her new book, Xu Beihong’s Color-And-Ink Paintings-Piano Concerto by Jiang Wenye Discovered After Half a Century, describing how Jiang Wenye’s hand-written score of the piano concerto portraying Xu Beihong's color-and-ink paintings was lost and brought to life after its recovery half a century later.

As the first composer to bring Xu Beihong’s paintings to the piano and orchestral stage, Jiang Wenye’s work adds richness to the use of analogy in Xu Beihong’s two ink brush rooster paintings. The publication of Xu Beihong’s Color-And-Ink Paintings, including selected color prints of Xu Beihong’s masterpieces and the full score and two-piano score of the third movement, demonstrated the two masters’ historic integration of Chinese and Western art. The concerto’s world premiere on October 22, 2022, in Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center, showed the successful artistic integration of Jiang Wenye’s music with Xu Beihong’s paintings to the entire world.  Beihong China Arts - Website.

Xu Fangfang will perform two Chinese piano pieces related to the book, present high-quality images of Xu Beihong's artwork and conduct book signing after her talk.

  • English Talk 2:00-3:50 pm
  • Chinese Talk 3:50-5:30 pm

Registration is not required, but an RSVP is appreciated.

畫家和美術教育家徐悲鴻(1895-1953)被稱為現代中國繪畫之父。他的動物畫把中國畫中寄情託興的手法發揮到了極致。作曲家江文也(1910-1983)是最早為西洋管弦樂隊和鋼琴創作中國音樂的作曲家之一。徐芳芳將介紹她的新書《徐悲鴻的彩墨畫—失傳半個世紀的江文也鋼琴協奏曲》,講述江文也這首描繪徐悲鴻彩墨畫的協奏曲手寫的樂譜在丟失半個世紀后,重新發現,並獲得生命的故事。作為第一個將徐悲鴻的繪畫搬上鋼琴和管弦樂舞臺的作曲家,江文也的這首作品將徐悲鴻兩幅雄雞畫作中寄情託興的涵義表現得多姿多采。《徐悲鴻的彩墨畫》一書的出版,並配有總譜、雙鋼琴譜及精選的徐悲鴻動物畫傑作的彩色圖片,展示了兩位大師融匯中西的獨創性。2022年 10月 22 日在林肯中心愛麗絲· 杜莉音樂廳(Alice Tully Hall)的世界首演向全世界人民展示了徐悲鴻的繪畫與江文也的音樂交融的藝術魅力。請點擊查詢

徐芳芳將在英文演讲前演奏兩首與此書相關的中國鋼琴曲,展示徐悲鴻傑作的高質量圖像, 並在講座後簽名售書。

  • 英文演講 2:00-3:50 
  • 中文演講 3:50-5:30


Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Chinese American community.

Learn from world-class designers, artists and experts in their fields. 

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.




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